Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do One Tough Thing A Day

Is there a list of niggly naggly things bouncing around your head? Are they written on your to-do list for the 78th day? Why is it that the things we commit to clients get done, (if this isn’t happening, you REALLY have a problem!) and the things we commit to ourselves don’t always hit the top of our priority list?

Each time we let ourselves down it eats away at our confidence and self-esteem. The little voice between our ears starts telling us that “you can’t do that – you never follow through on anything – what makes this different than the other 50 things you haven’t done?” That little voice can be unforgiving, negative and dangerous to our future. Start feeding the little voice a better story line.

There are many reasons why we don’t attack the tough things head on but it usually boils down to some type of fear. When you identify a fear and discipline yourself to move toward it, it grows smaller and more manageable and your confidence grows.

Set up strategies and systems of accountability to help you get the tough things done:
  • Reward yourself
  • Join a mastermind group
  • Hire a coach or consultant
  • Feed your brain with great learning (books, seminars, conferences, etc.)
  • Delegate
  • Do it first
  • Surround yourself with people that inspire and motivate you.
  • Break down the big jobs into smaller jobs and address them one by one
Facing what is eating you will make the knot in your stomach go away. Do something tough that you’ve been putting off – right now!!!! Suck it up and do it – YES YOU CAN!!! I guarantee you that regardless of the results, you will feel great when it’s done. Then treat yourself!!!

Originally published in Work Better, Not Harder on April 28, 2011

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