Tuesday, April 01, 2014

2 Ears and 1 Mouth

My plans for today were shot to hell once again by the weather - oh well!  I took some time this morning to clean up my home office a bit and came across my "Thomas Profile".  If you've never had your profile completed I suggest you call Claudina Whisken at Thomas International and get it done asap.  The information you learn in it is sooo valuable and helps you so much when working and dealing with other people.

One of the things that my profile says is that I am so enthusiastic that I times I may talk too much and not listen well  - guilty!  I believe the old saying - "we were given 2 ears and 1 mouth so that we could listen twice as much as we talk".  I make a conscious decision on a regular basis to work on a variety of things I feel need to be improved about myself...both in attitude and behaviour.  It was a great exercise to sit quietly, not in a rush, and go through my profile and recommit to work on this extremely valuable skill - LISTENING!  Nothing makes a person feel better than to know that they have been given your full attention and that you have been truly listening.

Being an enthusiastic extrovert I can sometimes be like a whirlwind or a bulldozer - if I've been like this with you - I apologize - and if I'm like that with you in the future please let me know.  This is my very public commitment to try to listen twice as much as I talk - we don't learn much if we're the one doing all the talking!